“工欲善其事,必先利其器”,公司建设有8万平方米的大型现代化厂房,拥有国内一流的专用车生产线、 涂装线、工艺装备320台套。年设计生产能力2万台专用车。精良的设备和工艺,有效的保证了产品品 质的稳步提升。
An old saying goes “a worker must sharpen his tools to facilitate the work”. The company has a large modern factory building, covering 80,000m2, domest ically top production lines and painting lines for special vehicles and 320 sets of technical equipment; it can output 20,000 special vehicles annually. Excellent equipment and advanced technology guarantee the stable improvement of product quality effectively. 数控等离子切割机 Plasma cutting equipment 全自动埋弧焊机 Fully-automatic submerged arc welding machine 大型抛丸机 Large throwing machine